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Dual Education Model: A Pathway to Increased Employment for High School Graduate


A success story: Collaboration between the Regional VET Center Kole Nedelkovski and the medical equipment company Rontis in Veles

 “The dual education project has practical value and is yielding initial results in providing students with practical skills and facilitating their employment in companies where they undertake practical training. Through dual education, students secure jobs immediately after finishing secondary school. We have been working for 13 years to introduce this concept to provide skilled labor, and today we can discuss its results. A major barrier within families has been broken—sending children to vocational secondary schools is no longer stigmatized. Taboos among students about enrolling in vocational schools have been shattered, and the number of students pursuing dual education is increasing. Today, 70% of students are enrolled in vocational education, compared to only 30% in general education. Over the past five years, the number of companies actively involved has grown from 11 to 560 in Macedonia. This demonstrates the broad appeal of the project,” emphasized the Executive Director of the Economic Chamber, Antoni Peshev, at an event organized by the Chamber in collaboration with the Education for Employment (E4E) project.

The event was held at the Rontis company in Veles, where students from the mechanical engineering sector (specializing as production machinery technicians) at RVETC Kole Nedelkovski in Veles undergo practical training and work-based learning. This represents a successful example of close collaboration between the business community and vocational schools, as well as the mentorship triangle—mentor in the company, student, and practical training teacher—which forms the foundation for high-quality practical training in real workplace settings.

The event was attended by the Minister of Education and Science, Prof. Dr. Vesna Janevska; H.E. Véronique Hulmann, Ambassador of Switzerland to the RNM, a country that strongly supports the introduction of dual education; and the Principal of the Regional Vocational Education and Training Center Kole Nedelkovski in Veles, along with students and parents involved in practical training at the company.

Minister Janevska highlighted that this event exemplifies successful vocational education and training, which owes much to the support of the Economic Chamber and Switzerland, a country with a long tradition of dual education. “The dual education concept creates a well-prepared workforce tailored to the needs of the economy, thereby reducing the gap between supply and demand in the human capital market. Together with our partners, we will continue to implement and enhance this concept as part of the Education for Employment project. This initiative has united efforts to create effective educational policies, and I anticipate the forthcoming adoption of the new Law on Vocational Education and Training, currently in parliamentary procedure, which will systematize the dual education concept,” stated Minister Janevska.

“As Minister, I am also taking concrete steps to ensure the continuation of this collaboration. The Ministry has already sent directives to municipalities and vocational schools, which, in coordination with companies, need to provide information on actual workforce needs. This will enable us to appropriately plan enrollment quotas for the upcoming academic year,” added Janevska.

Swiss Ambassador Véronique Hulmann emphasized the importance of private sector involvement in the dual education system. “This allows all young people attending these schools to be directly employed by these companies and contribute to their operations. Switzerland already has such a dual vocational education system because it is vital that education aligns with the private sector’s needs. Through this project, we transfer Switzerland’s positive experiences to your country,” stated Ambassador Hulmann.

Bojana Dimovska, Director of Rontis, noted that as the only company in the country manufacturing hemodialysis bloodlines, fluid administration devices and accessories, catheters, and nasal aspirators, they have been collaborating with RVETC Kole Nedelkovski for dual education for three years. This partnership has been facilitated by the Economic Chamber with support from the Swiss Embassy.

“In addition to the 3,500 denars scholarship provided by the Ministry to students enrolled in dual education classes, students participating in dual education and working in our company receive an additional stipend. This provides a solid incentive, enabling students to earn while staying motivated to continue working with us. This has led to an unexpected turnaround. When the first students arrived, they openly expressed their desire to leave the country and pursue opportunities abroad. Today, they want to stay and build their careers at Rontis,” stated Dimovska.

Vesna Bogoevska, Principal of RVETC Kole Nedelkovski in Veles, highlighted that owing to the collaboration with the business sector and three companies hosting dual education students, the school secured a grant of 500,000 euros through the Regional Challenge Fund. “These funds initiated the reconstruction of the mechanical workshop and the procurement of didactic materials,” she said.

DPT Rontis DOOEL is a pharmaceutical company that has been writing its success story for 13 years at its production facilities in Veles. The company focuses on manufacturing bloodlines for hemodialysis, a unique production process in the country. In addition to bloodlines, Rontis produces fluid administration devices, accessories, catheters, and nasal aspirators. As an export-oriented company, Rontis sells its products in highly sensitive markets. The company’s vision is to provide innovative and reliable solutions to become an international leader in the global healthcare industry.