„Димитрие Чуповски“ бр.13, 1000 Скопје +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk



MicroDigital Co. Ltd., корејска лабораторија и производител на биомедицински инструменти.

MicroDigital Co. Ltd., корејска лабораторија и производител на биомедицински инструменти.
Основана во 2002 година, Микродигитал е специјализирана за развој и производство на производи за биомедицински анализатор во нашата фабрика со сертификат ISO 13485 и 9001, CE. Обезбедуваме биомедицински уреди со врвен квалитет по разумна цена на глобалните биомедицински компании од повеќе од 70 земји (ширум светот).
Please find the names and a brief description of our products below:
  1. Nabi UV/Vis Nano Spectrophotometer capable of quantifying Nucleic Acids, Proteins, Cells and spectrum assays among others through microvolume measurement or cuvette measurement. Standalone system with simple data transfer through USB (CE, ISO 9001)
  2. Mobi Microplate Spectrophotometer with a built in monochromator that can measure between 200 and 999nm wavelengths in 1nm increments without the need of annoying and expensive filters. (CE, ISO 9001)
  3. Nabi Lite : UV/Vis Nano spectrophotometer(Microvolume only) *New product is released*
  • a minimum version of Nabi that focus on measuring Microvolume Samples only.
It is a best fit for those who don`t use cuvette options and find compact, cheaper model of UV/Vis Nano spectrophotometer. Performance & specification are equal to Nabi (cuvette isn`t included).
  1. Ubi-800 : Double beam UV/Vis Spectrophotometer that can measure cuvettes and has multiple optional accessories (Film cell holder, Test tube holder, Micro Volume cell holder, peltier system cell holder and etc).
It supports Photometric, quantitative, kinetic, Wavelength scan, multi-wavelength and DNA/protein assays.
  1. Ubi-490 : UV/Vis Spectrophotometer that can measure multiple cuvettes at once or use the many different options for quantification and analysis of many different samples (CE, ISO 9001)
  2. Ubi-600 The upgraded, standalone version of the Ubi-490 with better design and spec (CE, ISO 9001)
  3. Diamond :Fully Automatic Immuno-Analyzer (For both ELISA and CLIA assays) with dispensing, washing, incubation, shaking and reading all in one convenient open system. (CE, ISO 9001)
  4. Lumi : Single Tube Luminometer for measuring luminescence using a PMT with a LoD of 1 x 1018moles of ATP. Standalone system with simple data transfer process through USB (CE, ISO 9001)
  5. Lubi : Microplate Luminometer that can measure luminescence of microplate assays such as ATP assays, Apoptosis assays, Cell proliferation & Cytotoxicity, etc.
  6. iSBS : Integrated Sample Banking Total Solution uses patented technology from MicroDigital to safely store samples in easy to use segments. 0% chance of contamination of the sample due to the special materials used in creating the VacTube TM developed and patented by MicroDigital. (CE, ISO 9001)

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Контакт лице: м-р Сања Николова

Телефон: + 389 2 3244091,
Мобилен: 071 230 452
Е-адреса: sanja@mchamber.mk