„Dimitrie Cupovski“ 13, 1000 Skopje +38923244000 ic@mchamber.mk


Azeski – Rokas: The Private Sector Will Be a Key Driver of the Country’s EU Integration Process


 The President of the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia, Branko Azeski, held a working meeting today with the Ambassador of the European Union to the Republic of North Macedonia, H.E. Michalis Rokas. The meeting took place at the Chamber’s premises, focusing on the country’s economic prospects in the context of the EU integration process, opportunities for accelerating this process, and the preparedness of the Macedonian economy to actively engage in meeting the criteria and obligations arising from it.

Azeski briefed Rokas on the current economic conditions in the country, the steps the Economic Chamber is taking to strengthen the competitiveness of domestic companies to prepare them for EU markets and align with EU legislation, as well as the Chamber’s involvement in regional initiatives and cooperation with EU institutions.

"The business community is ready to embrace the necessary reforms, but their successful implementation requires a predictable business environment and strong institutional support. The private sector plays a crucial role in the EU accession process, and for that reason, the EU remains a key partner for Macedonian businesses," Azeski emphasized.

During the discussion, Ambassador Rokas noted that North Macedonia needs political courage to move forward. However, he expressed encouragement over the business sector’s support for the EU integration process and stated that in the future, the private sector will be one of the key drivers of this process.

The meeting, which was also attended by Tatjana Shterjova-Dushkovska, Secretary General of the Western Balkans 6 Chamber Investment Forum (WB6 CIF), addressed the Economic Chamber’s regional activities. Shterjova-Dushkovska highlighted the ongoing dialogue with EU institutions and WB6 CIF’s role in designing and implementing the action plan for the Common Regional Market.

Ambassador Rokas welcomed the initiative to establish the Business Club Europe within the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia—an initiative dedicated to supporting Macedonian companies in their economic integration into the EU. This entity will serve as a platform for connecting businesses with EU institutions, implementing reforms, aligning with EU regulations, and enhancing competitiveness in the EU market.

Jadranka Arizankovska, EU Integration Advisor at the Chamber, stressed that involving EU member state ambassadors, led by the EU Ambassador, in the activities of Club Europe could significantly strengthen the economic integration process and improve cooperation opportunities between Macedonian companies and EU businesses. She noted that embassies can play a vital role in fostering connections, providing financial support, and transferring knowledge—contributing to better preparation of the Macedonian economy for EU accession.