The International Fair for Construction and Building Materials MEGRA 2024, held from 17 to 19 April 2024 in Gornja Radgona, Slovenia, was the venue where the digital tool for automatic assessment (DIG-IN-KPI-AAT) was officially launched. The event was organized by the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia on 18 April 2024. This tool emerged from an initiative by the chambers of commerce from Slovenia, Croatia, and Macedonia to promote digitalization among companies in the construction and building materials sector, which, both at the EU level and in Macedonia, have among the lowest levels of digitalization. Under the project Digital Transformation is Making its Way to Businesses – Development of Key Performance Indicators to Increase Sector Productivity (DIG-IN-KPI), 55 key performance indicators were developed, systematized into 10 areas (Digital Transformation, Project Segment, Scope List, Financial Evaluation, Advance Planning, Invoicing, Monitoring of Project Finances and Time, Business Segment, Plans, Interoperability). Through this digital tool, they will offer guidance and specific solutions aimed at accelerating digital transformation in companies as an engine for operational excellence. The structure of the tool, the method of calculating the indicators, and the interpretation of the responses were conducted by the company Axis, while the development of the software solution is a product of the company Artcur, which develops automatic assessment tools.
What is DIG-IN-KPI AAT ?
“The digital tool DIG-IN-KPI AAT automates the process of producing assessments for the level of digital maturity of construction companies and assesses the company's digital maturity level. The report received by the companies at the end includes visualization and thorough interpretation of the results, as well as personalized recommendations that will help companies gain key insights toward recognizing the objective state of digitalization and identifying areas for improvement and optimization of business and production processes.”
The tool is available for use by all interested companies in the construction and building materials sector, providing guidance to companies on opportunities for improving digitalization in projects and business processes within the company.
The more companies fill out the questionnaire, the more representative data on the level of digitization of construction contractors will be obtained. This data will be statistically processed and presented in a report that will be published on the project's website, as well as on the website of the Economic Chamber of North Macedonia. The report will show average digitalization rates by sectors and by individual indicators, depending on the country and the size of the company.
On the website, software tools and applications used by companies in the sector will also be revealed, which are represented in the countries of the region, from Slovenia to Macedonia, describing the level of digitization they achieve. This will give you an overview of the most commonly used tools and allow you to compare the tools you currently use with those achieving a higher level of digitalization.

In addition to promoting the tool, a delegation from five Macedonian companies (Ading Skopje, Bautek Skopje, BIM Sveti Nikole, GD Granit Skopje, and Usjepor Skopje) attended the Fair. They had the opportunity to hold meetings with potential partners from Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, and Austria. Furthermore, they exchanged experiences with representatives from the chambers of Slovenia and Croatia, informing them about upcoming infrastructure projects in each country and the potential for collaboration. They also discussed utilizing expertise in the execution and use of building materials produced in Macedonia that meet global standards.
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