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Expert Conference "New Eco-Concretes for a Sustainable World" – Innovative Construction Technologies Through Strengthened Partnerships


 "Construction is a key driver of economic development. Therefore, introducing innovative solutions based on artificial intelligence, which will improve processes and create opportunities for new sustainable products, is of utmost importance. In an era of major transitions across nearly all sectors, strengthening collaboration between science, businesses, and institutions is crucial. Only through such cooperation can development be directed toward long-term sustainability, increased competitiveness, and economic growth." These were the main conclusions of the expert conference "New Eco-Concretes for a Sustainable World," organized by TITAN Usje and the Faculty of Civil Engineering at Ss. Cyril and Methodius University in Skopje.

The conference, which was held as part of TITAN Usje’s 70th anniversary celebrations, featured a speech by the company's CEO, Konstantinos Nikolaou.

"Innovation and the adoption of new technologies are our top priorities, and a significant portion of our investments is directed toward that goal. In the past five years, TITAN Usje has invested over €6 million in digitalization, AI-based solutions, innovative technologies, and sustainable practices. This includes environmentally friendly cement types and renewable energy sources such as solar power and alternative fuels. TITAN Usje is a pioneer in applying circular economy principles, which has resulted in reducing CO₂ emissions by 2,600 tons. This achievement has motivated us to intensify collaboration with all relevant partners, share our knowledge with the wider community, and encourage greater cooperation among stakeholders," stated Nikolaou.

TITAN Usje plans to invest an additional €20 million in new technologies and modernization over the next three years. With the production and market introduction of new eco-cements, the company has further reduced CO₂ emissions by more than 40,000 tons.

"We live in times of rapid and sudden changes, creating uncertainty. Almost every sector, including construction, must adapt. This is why collaboration is crucial, as it will help us find the best ways to ensure continuous growth in the future. The construction industry faces two key challenges: the first is climate change and the need for more environmentally friendly products, while the second is the necessity of maintaining core construction principles—expertise, standards, awareness, and responsibility. Both aspects are essential for sustainable construction, and I am confident that partnerships like this will significantly contribute to the industry's development in the right direction," said Prof. Dr. Goran Markovski, Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at UKIM. To emphasize the importance of environmental responsibility and the use of quality eco-friendly concrete, Markovski put on a dinosaur mask, symbolizing that if we fail to protect our environment, we might face the same fate as the dinosaurs.

To further strengthen cooperation between the private sector and academia, TITAN Usje has initiated a partnership with the Faculty of Civil Engineering at UKIM through the project "Knowledge + CO₂ – Reducing CO₂ Through Knowledge and Innovation." The project consists of three main modules: an educational module, research and development module, and an awareness-raising module.